Sunday, February 24, 2013

MLA Biography Project (24/1-4)

This week everyone will be creating an MLA Biography Report for the same Historical Person you did your Facebook Project on.  Please use the research you already did to complete the report by the end of the week.  The format for your report is as follows:

All papers will be 2-3 pages in length.  (My Sample is 4).  You must use the Historical Figure that you were assigned during the Facebook Historical Project. (See List Posted In Class Or Ask Mr. S).  You will use the MLA Short Form (See Example Below), but the report will be Times New Roman, Font 12, Single Spaced (Except for Header) and must include at least three (3) sources in the MLA Citation Format you practiced last week.  You must also turn in an MLA BIOGRAPHY PLANNING SHEET with your report.  The Planning Sheet may be hand-written, but the report itself must be SAVED as a PDF from MS WORD and sent as an ATTACHMENT on and EMAIL.  No other forms of turn in will be accepted for credit.  See below for the Grading Rubric.

You must use the MLA Short Form (Click Here)

President John F. Kennedy MLA Biography Planning Sheet Example (Click Here)

President John F. Kennedy Report Sample (Click Here)


05 pts     All Text:  Times New Roman, 12-Font
05 pts     Page Number Right Justified in Header
05 pts     MLA Heading Left Justified, Double-Spaced, Correct Information
05 pts     Title Line Bold, Underlined and Centered Correctly
10 pts     Body of Paper Single-Spaced, Correct Indentation for Paragraphs
20 pts     Proper Spelling, Grammar, Sentence Structure
10 pts     Enough Material:  2-3 Pages Properly Structured
10 pts     Turned in Correct Format With Planning Sheet
20 pts     Properly Cited Bibliography:  At Least 3 References
10 pts     Overall Impression and Complete Story

This is a major project for the Third (3rd) Marking Period.  You will have at least four class days to work on it.  Please ask questions and use the skills you have learned for research and writing correct citations.  You will use these skills for the rest of your life.  Be proud of what you are about to turn in, and on the off chance you might learn something new, really do your best to understand why you are being asked to create this report.  I am proud of the work each of you are doing so far!!  Keep it up!!

- Mr. S


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Citations & Bibliographies (23/3)

Today we will be learning about sources for research papers.  You will need to pay close attention to the structure of the following entries to create a Bibliography.  Watch the video below and go to the Plagiarism101 website.  You can reference the Citation Project Powerpoint or the Bibliography Worksheets to help you complete the quiz below.  You will need to use accurate references and sources for future projects in my class.

Good Luck!!

- Mr. S


Plagiarism 101

Citation Project PowerPoint

Bibliography Worksheet II Link 


Imagine you have written an essay. Create a Bibliography page with the information below.  You Must Send Me An Email With Your Answers For Items 1-4 To Receive Credit For This Quiz.  You must list the following sources for your work:

EXAMPLE:  You have used information from a book.   (A) The author is John Smith and he wrote it in 2003. The title of the book is English for Everybody. It was published in Bangkok by Lotus Press.  On your paper, make a bibliography entry for it.

Smith, John. English for Everybody. Bangkok: Lotus Press, 2003

1. A book published in 2002 in New York. The title is Happy Happy. Publisher is Zippie Publications. You don’t know the author.  Happy Happy. New York: Zippie Publications, 2002.

2.  A magazine article by Susan Johnson in Style for Everyone magazine. Name of the article is Bangkok: The Fashion Capital of the World. It is on page 28-32 of the 24 Oct. 2004 issue.  Johnson, Susan. “Bangkok: The Fashion Capital of the World.” Style for Everyone. 24 Oct. 2004: 28-32.  

3.  A website source: Article by James Hiho and Judy Blume. The address is http//123456. The article is called Thai Students are the Best. The name of the Website is Teach in Thailand. You saw the article on Jan. 2, 2005. It was put on the internet on Dec. 26, 2004. Hiho, James, and Judy Blume. “Thai Students are the Best.” Teach in Thailand. 26 Dec. 2004. 2 Jan. 2005 <http:123456>.

4.  You heard a lecture by Mickey Mouse at Disney University. It was in Donald Duck Hall on 12 Dec. 2004. The name of the lecture was Just Call Me Mickey.Mouse, Mickey. “Just Call Me Mickey.” Donald Duck Hall, Disney University. 12 Dec. 2004.

Finally,  here is a resource you can use to create Bibliography Citations online:  EZBIB.Com

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Internet Research Presentation Day - (23/2)

Indian Talking Stick Video
Today to begin the class by watching a followup video to the 7-Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey).  Please watch the video in class (Or From The Online Link To The Left), discuss it with someone in class, and create a Journal Entry ( about what Listening With Empathy means and how you might use this method in your own relationships.

Internet Research Presentation 

Today we will be learning the difference between good sources and questionable sources on the internet. We will watch a short video about different research sites and follow a PowerPoint presentation.  Please fill in your notes from the class discussion on the Internet Research Presentation Worksheet provided.  That worksheet will also be used for tomorrow's discussion, and you will hand it in at the end of the week.  The Worksheet will count as a quiz for this Project.  Below is a link to the presentation today:

Presentation PowerPoint

TODAY'S Practical Exercise:
(Write at the bottom of your WORKSHEET)
You must write down the day of the week of the birthday for the United States Secretary of State for 2013.  You must also write down each specific website you used to find the information.  You may not reference Wikipedia or any Search Engine Website (Google, Bing, etc.)

Make sure you understand how to do research online.  You will need to prove that you can find and cite sources on the next BIOGRAPHY Project at the end of the week.  Good Luck!

- Mr. S

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tackk.Com (23/1)

Today you will be finishing your Internet Research Primer (see previous post from Friday).  When you are done, and you have signed for your new flash drive (Courtesy of Principal Heller for your 8th Grade Project), you will have some time to check out TACKK.COM.  I found this in a magazine on the flight home from a weekend trip.  I thought this would be an interesting and fun way to post information (Like The 8th Grade Project) for school.  You can easily create single page websites for your work.  You could create a single TACKK without logging in, or create a series of TACKK's.  Please go to the website TACKK.COM to get started.  Make sure you add the TAG (caatech) to all of your sites so we can see them.

Have Fun With This!!

- Mr. S

Friday, February 15, 2013

Internet Research Primer (22-4)

Everyone must use the link below to complete the INTERNET RESEARCH PRIMER ACTIVITY.



Copy and past all of the questions you chose below into an email to the instructor (  Once in the email.  Use the links (SOME LINKS DO NOT WORK RIGHT) to find the answers from this post or from the website listed above.  When you are finished you may work on anything else you like.  Good Luck!!  Monday is a day off.  Tuesday we will begin to learn the difference between good internet sources and bad ones.  You will also learn how to create proper CITATIONS for Bibliographies and other work.  Good Luck!!


1. What is the cryosphere?
Watch the Cryosphere Movie from NASA.
a. Who lives in the cryosphere?
b. Even if you do not live in the cryosphere, it matters to you. 
Explain why the cryosphere matters to everyone.

2. The other day I drove past a water tower. I wondered .... 
Find the answers at How Stuff Works
a. Why is it so high?
b. When does it release water?
c. Where do cities put their water towers?
d. Does the water in the tower freeze in a very cold winter?
Research challenge - What is the source of potable water for your community?

3. Go to TerraServer. 
TerraServer provides free online access to USGS digital aerial photographs. 
Select the appropriate links to view the images related to your State. What are the physical geographic features, visible in the image, that help you pinpoint the location of your town? List them.
Example: I live on a mountain near the confluence of the north and west branches of the Susquehanna River.

4. Think about the last time you put ice cubes in a glass and then added water.
What did you observe?
The ice floated to the top of the glass.
Use a search engine to figure out - Why does ice float? After all it is solid water!

5. There is a time in everyone's life where math comes in pretty handy. That is cooking time. 
Here is a measurements equivalents chart
. Use it combined with your math know how to solve the following problems.
a. How many tablespoons in 1 and a half cups of flour?
b. The recipe calls for 5 cups of cream. 
Your choices at the grocery store are pint size containers of cream or quart sized containers.
*5 cups is how many pints of milk?
*Five cups is how many quarts of milk?
*What would you buy? Explain why.
c. How many teaspoons are in 1/8th cup of sugar?
d. You are making chicken noodle soup from an 8 fl. oz. can. The directions say to add 1 cup of water. 
You do not have a measuring cup. What can you do? Explain.

6. Some silly scribblers use alliteration solely to supply information on a sour subject or serious situation.
What is alliteration?

What is the subject of the video?
Give three examples of objects that are this geometric shape.

8. In February 1881, Mary Walton received a patent for her invention. 
How did her invention improve people's lives?

9. Watch The Laws of Exponents @ Math Dude.
(Read the questions, first. Start and stop the movie as needed to answer the questions.)
When do you add the exponents?
Solve: formula

Identify a lunar eclipse that will occur this year.
Will you be able or were you able to view it?
What is a lunar eclipse?
Observe the August 2007 eclipse on this page.
Danjon Scale of Lunar Eclipse Brightness - Where do you rank this eclipse on the Dajon scale?
Think about it - Name another scale that scientists use to rate/rank a natural event.
11. Dessert Challenge - use this to find how much exercise you need to burn off the 
calories in a dessert served in the cafeteria today.
Amount of exercise -
BTW - (By the way) Negative calorie foods burn more calories in their digestion, than they offer. 
Celery, Oranges, Strawberries, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Carrot, Apricots, Lettuce, Tomatoes
Cucumbers, Watermelon, Cauliflower, Apples, Zucchini. 

12. Gertrude Belle Elion is a scientist who earned earned a Nobel Prize in medicine.  
But that did not give her the greatest satisfaction. What gave her the greatest satisfaction?

 Extra Credit Searches:
* Learn CPR in 2 minutes Explain the steps to use when administering CPR to an Adult.

* Watch 3 of the TV Spots from the Foundation for a Better Life. 
Rank them regarding how much each one inspired you to act.
Write the titles of the spots you viewed from least inspiring to most inspiring.

* The Wall Street Journal provides an interactive map of the potential 
pay outs of the 
Stimulus Package 2009 H.R.1.
a. How much money will your state receive?
b. The table reports amounts per capita. What does that mean?
c. Consider the Transportation spending. Do you agree with the distribution of the dollars? Explain.

* Watch your representative's speech on the Health Care debate. (If your representative's speech is not posted, select another representative from your state.) Do you concur with or disagree with their argument?

* Keeping Time Across the Ages - listen to the tale. What would you do?

* Explore Science videos at DFTV - check it out and then do a Try It

* Science - Observation skill builders - Complete one

* Watch: Make Rectangles: Solution Part 1 & Make Rectangles: Solution Part 2 -
Write a new problem that would require similar math skills and strategies to solve.

The work above was taken from the following sources:
Cynthia J. O'Hora. , posted 1/2002. You may print a hunt for use in a classroom setting..Mail image This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. 1/2009


Copy and Paste the question below into the top of your email to me today, then complete at least 1 more additional search from the questions above.  When you are finished, before you send it, you should have the Constitution question below and 4 other searches in your final email to me today (5 Total). Good Luck!!

The Constitution outlines the three qualifications to be President. What are they?


- Mr. S 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Article Summary MLA Short Format (22/1-3)

Good Morning Everyone!

Today we will be completing the Article Summary Report in MLA Short Format.  Please remember to submit your Article Summary Question Worksheet along with your Article Summary Report to receive full credit.  You must submit the report as a PDF file from Google Drive or as an attachment to your GMail to me at  Once you are finished with your report, please spend the balance of your time left working on the Vocabulary Words for this unit and the definitions for Why We Do Research (Note Page).  There will be a quiz on Day II this week, be ready for it!

Tomorrow we will start working on the "Wading Through The Web" part of the IT Research Unit.  We will discuss search techniques and viable websites that are verified for accuracy.  You will also be learning to create proper Citations and Reference Lists.  Good Luck!!

- Mr. S

Friday, February 8, 2013

Article Summary Resources (21/3 & 4)

Today we will be reviewing the article from yesterday and looking at the steps in the example for creating an accurate Article Summary and MLA Article Summary Report. 


Here is the link to the article we are using as an example:

We will re-read it in class and review the example Article Summary Sheet and MLA Article Summary Report.  CLICK HERE to see the examples from yesterday's Class Blog ( entry.

I will be assigning one of the three articles below for you to read on your own.  You may turn in a handwritten Article Summary Question Sheet or use the link below to download an electronic version.  Your final MLA Article Summary Report must be submitted as follows:

Use a template to start the report.  It must have 1" margins on Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.  It must be Times New Roman Font Size 11 or 12.  You must have MLA heading, page number and the appropriate source information in the Header and Footer of the document.  All electronic submissions must be saved and emailed as PDF files.  Do not SHARE them from Google Drive.  They must be sent as attachments to my email address (

Here are the articles you will be working on:

Twitter:  What is it Good For? (Scientific American)

The Dangers of Facebook (Forbes)

Social Media Stress (Reuters)

Below are links to the MLA SHORT FORM TEMPLATE and the ARTICLE SUMMARY QUESTION SHEET if you need them or want to work on them digitally:



Finally,  here is the link for you to create a Bibliography Reference to cut and paste into your document:


This should be an easy project to complete.  Read the article, write the summary and draft the summary report in MLA format.

Good Luck,

-Mr. S

Thursday, February 7, 2013

MLA Format Template Day - Classroom Tech Article (21/3)

Today we will create a template for your MLA Format Research Papers.  Please use the following picture as a guide:

 Below is an example of an Article Summary written in MLA SHORT FORM Format:
Click the link below to read the full article:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Why Do Research / Vocabulary List (21/2)

For your information use during our Research Lesson please use the following link to review the PowerPoint Presentation from class.  Our vocabulary words are below.  Remember, you must have the definition and at least one sentence per word, using the word correctly, when you turn in the paper with your quiz for a grade.  You will not receive another copy of the paper, please keep it with you during class prior to the unit quiz.

Classroom PowerPoint Presentation on Basic Research 


Five Main Reasons According To The Presentation:

1.  CREDIBILITY:  Researching your topic and citing your sources helps lend credibility to your paper. It demonstrates that you sought out similar information from experts in the field, which makes what you're writing more believable.

2.  PUBLICATION: Because research backs up your ideas with facts from established experts in the field, it's an industry standard. If you hope to publish in a scholarly journal, you'll have to conduct thorough research and cite it correctly to be taken seriously.
nd cite it correctly to be taken seriously

3.  EDUCATION:  Research gives you a broader understanding of your topic so you can speak with a more authoritative, informed voice. It allows you to understand both sides of an argument and any additional factors that contribute to your thesis statement.

4.  RESEARCH SKILLS:  Many instructors assign research papers so students can develop or strengthen their research skills. In that respect, research is important because it makes you better and finding information and backing up your ideas with facts.
5.  PLAGIARISM:  You may think you have a groundbreaking idea only to discover that a famous scientist already had this idea and wrote on it extensively. Taking credit for this idea, even though you thought it was original can still constitute academic dishonesty. Research helps you use that scientist's work to build on and add credibility to your idea.

Compile:  to get or gather together        The student had to compile the data for the report.

Evaluate:  estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of something
The student could not evaluate the data without organizing it first.

Research:  a search for knowledge
The student will research a topic of choice for the upcoming assignment.

Extensively:  in a widespread way
All of the information put together was extensively search.

Digital:  in electronic form, transmitted electronically
Anyone can download a digital copy of a song from ITunes.

Organize:  arrange by systematic planning and united effort
You will have an easier time creating an outline if you organize your list of sources first.

Information:  knowledge acquired through study, experience, or instruction
There is a wealth of information online about your topic.

Include:  have as a part, made up out of
All students must include their contact information on the top of the sheet.

Skill:  an ability that is acquired by training
Natural ability only becomes a skill if you practice and train harder than you thought possible.

Provide:  give something useful or necessary to
I will provide you with the notes and resources to be successful on the upcoming quiz/

Section:  one of several parts or pieces that fit with others to create a whole object
The percussion section of the band provides the backbone for the music and the beat to march too.

Cite:  make reference to
If you cite your references well, people will be able to review them easier.

Successfully:  with success, in a successful manner, reach a goal
You can be successful at anything if you focus your mind, spirit, and effort to complete it.

Feature:  prominent attribute or aspect of something
Our lesson will feature a Travel Brochure Project at the end.

Structure:  framework, how something is constructed
The structure of the house was unsound after the earthquake.

Book:  handwritten or printed work of fiction or non-fiction; usually on bound paper and covered
 The primary book you will choose for your project is up to you.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Introduction to Research (21/1)

 Today you will begin to learn to do real research.  We will start slow and I will show you MLA and APA formats for reports.  We will learn step by step.  Below is a listing of links to help you.  We will reference these links all the time.  Good Luck and Move Slowly. 

- Mr. S

APA Format

MLA Format

Classroom PowerPoint Presentation on Basic Research

Sample Research Scaffold - Color Psychology

Sample  Research Paper - Color Psychology

Friday, February 1, 2013

Classroom Twitter / Scavenger Hunt (20/2)

WARNING:  Students have had a tough time signing up for a Twitter Account on the School District Internet.  If you cannot sign up today, you must sign up for an account over the weekend and follow @MrScribner by Monday, February 3rd, 2012.  This will count as a quiz grade for the 3rd Marking Period.  We will be using Twitter in future classes.  This Twitter account should only be used for class.  Your Gmail and Twitter accounts for Crossroads should be considered your Personal/Professional accounts and you should use them for schoolwork only.  Any items posted to these will be reviewed and inspected and should meet or exceed School District of Philadelphia Computer and Internet Use Guidelines at all times.

Today we will be creating Twitter Accounts and going on a Scavenger Hunt.  Please go to and create an account with your Gmail Email account.  Sign In and add @MrScribner to your following list.  As you add me, I will add you.....Then The Fun Begins!


Copy the following questions into an email and add the answer and the weblink you found it at:

1. Find information about a new Baskin Robbins Ice Cream flavor.

2. Where can you find information on how people without computers can access “Welcome to the White House”?

3. What are the Italian and Chinese names for Mickey Mouse?

4. Who won the 2002 White House News Photographers’ Association photographer of the year award?

5. What college did WNBA player Diana Vines attend?

6. Find a site with the daily feature ”On this Day in TV History.”

7. When was Pluto the dog first seen and in what movie?

8. Find a band with “guava” in its name.

9. What player appears first on the College Football Hall of Fame New Members site?

10. Where is the Red Feather Lodge located?

11. In season 3 of “The X-Files,” what was the name of episode 3X12, which aired January 5, 1996?

12. How many Beanie Babies are there?

13. Which college team holds the 1997 USILA Club championship?

14. Where is Camp Lachenwald located?
15. What happened to Bill Cosby on November 11th 2004?

UN Global Sustainability Goals Project Map

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Integrity (13 Characteristics)

13 Characteristics of People Who Have Integrity

1. They Value Other People's Time: They value their own time so they also value the time of other people. They know you have plenty of other places you need to be and won’t hold you up. If you spend time with them, it is likely they will thank you for that as well.

2. They Give Credit Where It Is Due: They do not take credit for things they did not do. They will always credit those who deserve it. If you help this person with a project he or she will likely mention your name so you can take credit for your work.

3. They Are Authentic: They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie or being fake.

4. They Are Always Honest: They are honest people that feel no need to lie as it is important for them to get to where they need to get in life honestly.

5. They Never Take Advantage Of Others: They are not the kind of people who will take advantage of someone else. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. The Do Not Argue Over Disagreements: They will talk through things in a civil manner or not talk at all. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing over something completely ridiculous. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. They Give Most People The Benefit Of The Doubt: They try to see the good in everyone. I think this is because they feel like maybe there are more people in this world that also have integrity. That being said, if you take advantage of them too much they will get rid of you.

8. They Know When Something Is Bothering Someone: They have a great intuition that lets them know when something is going on. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice. Chances are they will actually do what they can to cheer you up.

9. They Believe In Others: They accept your word as truth until it is dis-proven. That being said, they do not take lying well. And once you lie to them, it is unlikely that they will ever take your word again.

10. They Apologize First: If they have done something wrong they will come to you and apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and try to make things right.

11. They Are Humble: They do not quite know their own worth. While they are very important and do so much good they don’t quite see it. You should remind them of it.

12. They Do Good When They Can: They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. They Are Always Kind To Those Who Need It: Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They can brighten up almost anyone’s day.

If you are someone who has true integrity, thank you for being who you are and thank you for all that you do. You really do actually make a difference in society, please keep up the good work. If you feel no one else is proud of you, know that I am.

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