Thursday, October 31, 2019

Digital Animation Video Clip Project - Part Duex! 19-20 S1

Today you will be using your scene to create an animated scene. Eventually, you will EXPORT your slides as Images (JPEG) and using MS Movie Maker to create a Digital Animation with Music, Titles, and Credits.


STEP BY STEP Audacity Instructions:

Link to Audacity Tutorial:

Step 1.  Open a website (YouTube, Freesound, etc.) with the media you want a sample of.

Step 2.  Click on the Audacity shortcut from the Windows Programs Button.

Step 3.  Once open, you will need to click each window so they are "split-screen" (you can view both windows on the computer screen at once).

Step 4.  Make sure your settings on Audacity are set to record from "Windows WASABI", Speakers both Input and Output, and Stereo Quality (not Mono)!

Step 5.  Press RECORD (Red Dot) button on Audacity, then quickly press PLAY button on the Internet Media.  You should see the levels on Audacity jump to match the playback on  your Internet Media.  When you have recorded enough media for your project, click STOP (Black Square) button on Audacity, and stop your Internet Media playback.

Step 6.  Click FILE and EXPORT on Audacity.  Choose either MP4 or WAV from the list, click/enter the location you are saving the file too (preferably your desktop for easy reference), and click SAVE.  This will export your file for use in other media.  You should preview the file in Audacity prior to exporting it if you like, or once exported you should click the new file created and make sure it plays on your computer's music program (ITunes, MS Media Player, VLC, etc.)

Mr. Scribner's Digital Animation Examples:

Step 1. Open your project in Google Slides.  Click FILE, Click DOWNLOAD, Click Microsoft PowerPoint.  Once Downloaded, Open the file in PowerPoint.

Step 2. With PowerPoint open, click FILE, EXPORT and choose CHANGE FILE TYPE.  Click on JPEG and click SAVE AS.  Choose your Desktop as the destination, adjust the filename if necessary, and click SAVE.  When the window appears, click ALL SLIDES.  A file folder should appear on your Desktop.  Your slides are now images in that folder.

Step 3. Open the folder with your slide images.  Select all of them.  Open Movie Maker on your computer.  Make sure that both of these are in split-screen mode.  Click all of the slides and drag them into Movie Maker.  You will be asked if you want to IMPORT them as an Image Sequence (Video Clip), Click YES.  You can now drag your Video Clip down into your project.

Step 4. Using Microsoft Movie Maker, you must create a Digital Animation "Short-Film" by making each image "flash" for around 1/8-second each. This will give the impression that the images are animated. You should add Titles, Credits, and a short burst of music to finish the film.

  • Once Movie Maker is started, drag your sound effects and music files into the PROJECT FILES Window.
  • Drag your images (individually or as an image sequence/video clip) into the PROJECT FILES Window.
  • Drag any video clips, or other media (Production Logo, or Video Logo from you previous projects) into the PROJECT FILES Window.
  • Create any TITLES/END-CREDITS you might need in Movie Maker from the menu items.  For this specific project you only need to add the Titles outlined below.
  • Assemble your PROJECT Files in Tracks 0-4 as follows:
    • Titles and End Credits in Track 4
    • Single Images in Track 3
    • Video Clips in Track 2
    • Audio Sound-Effects in Track 1
    • Music / Background Audio in Track 0
  • Place/Adjust your files any way you like.  Add Transitions/Effects as needed.  Preview your project in the window provided (Preview May Not Work Right).  NOTE:  If you play the project and cannot hear the audio, Click SAVE Project (to Desktop), Close/Exit Movie Maker, Restart Movie Maker making sure your headphones are not plugged in.  Once started, choose FILE and RECENT from the menu, and click on the first choice.  Your video project should open, and the audio should play in the preview through the speaker on the computer you are using (DO NOT PLUG IN HEADPHONES AGAIN UNTIL AFTER YOU EXPORT IT).
  • Once your Video Project is complete, click FILE and EXPORT.  In the window that pops-up make sure you change the name of your project, and choose the Desktop as the Export location.  YOU NEED TO EXPORT YOUR PROJECT AS AN MP4 or MOV file FOR CREDIT.
  • Once your PROJECT is on the Desktop as an MP4/MOV file, Open your Google Drive and (using split screen again) click and drag the file to your Google Drive.  You will see the Upload progress in a pop-up window.  Once it is uploaded to your Google Drive, double-click the file to open it.  In the upper right corner you will see three (3) dots, click them, click SHARE, and enter Mr. Scribner's ( email to submit your project for credit.  MAKE SURE YOU UPLOAD THE MP4 VIDEO FILE FOR CREDIT, NOT THE OSP (OpenShot Project File).

YOU MUST IMPORT AT LEAST ONE (1) SOUND EFFECT/MUSIC AND ADD IT TO THE ANIMATION PRIOR TO SAVING IT!  (You can use and audacity to record sound effects or music for use in this project.)

Your TITLES should include the Name of the Video and "by (Your Initials)

Have Fun with this project. If you would like to know more, here is the original link to 50 more digital animation websites at TEACHTHOUGHT.COM (Click Here)! Good Luck!


Item / Points15105
Animation and Rendering 
20 %
Animation and rendering is done well, works properly and is saved in an appropriate file format. All files are properly named as required
Animation and rendering is average, works properly for the most part. Few files are properly named as required
Animation and rendering does not work properly or is not saved/rendered properly.Files are not properly named as required
Model Complexity 
20 %
Model is mostly complex and/or detailed but lacks some evidence of sub-object modeling to define/refine modeled details
Model is mostly simplistic and/or lacks evidence of sub-object modeling to define/refine modeled details
Model design is inappropriate or overly simplistic.
30 %
Objects, Materials and Textures are mostly named
Few Objects, Materials and Textures are named
None of Objects, Materials and Textures are named
10 %
Model is placed in an appropriate or interesting environment (either modeled or background imaged)
Model is not placed in an appropriate or interesting environment (either modeled or background imaged)
There is no environment used whatsoever
Graphic Design & Visual Appearance 
10 %
Model shows good design qualities and is aesthetically pleasing
Model shows basic design qualities and is aesthetically acceptable
Model shows poor design qualities and is not aesthetically acceptable
Skill Level 
5 %
Very good skill level is evident
Basic skill level is evident
Poor skill level is evident
Project Guidelines Compliance 
5 %
Project guidelines are mostly complete and all required elements are present.
There is a missing important project requirement, or a guideline not followed
There are missing 2 or more important project requirements, or project guidelines not followed

Scholars will learn the basics of Digital Animation. Scholars will be able to create "mini" animations using an online application. Scholars will also start creating the basic drawing that will be used for a future "line-art" digital animation project. Scholars will be able to complete a Constructed Response about the "History of Animation" and discuss what they like, or do not like about the project.


Scholars will sign into Google Drive as they enter the class. Scholars will read all directions on this post thoroughly.  Scholars will review the examples linked above to determine the type of movie they are interested in making.  They will need to create a short (3-9 second) video clip, with at least one sound effect, for credit.  When complete, they will UPLOAD both the RAW Project, and their FINAL Project to Google Drive and SHARE it with Mr. S for review.   The basis for their projects will be created using a single slide in Google Slides that they should create first.


Standards Covered In This Class 
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2018
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2019
PA CEW Standards

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Digital Animation Video Clip - Part I 19-20 S1


Piskel, free online sprite editor. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Free and open-source.

Josh Marnien will give everyone a brief tutorial using Piskel, and then you can follow the directions below to make and send your own pixel creation.

Once you have created a PISKEL you are happy with, use the following dropbox link to share it for credit!

The Wick Editor is a free, open-source tool for creating games, animations, and everything in-between!

Digital Animation Video Clip Introduction:
Today you will begin to create a Digital Animation Video Clip. There are many resources for creating digital movies, as listed below. Before class is over, read all the directions in this post and learn about different types of ANIMATION.  Then OPEN Google Slides/PowerPoint on Computer and begin to create a "stick-figure" background scene for your longer digital animation using the draw tools found in each of those programs/applications.

Start by watching this introduction to Lego Stop Motion Movies

DO NOW:  Create/Send Technology Constructed Response Email

TO:  Mr. Scribner (
SUBJECT: Digital Animation Project CR

BODY:  Describe, in 1-2 Sentences, what type of animation/cartoon you are interested in creating.  Think about any topic you like, and try to imagine a cartoon that illustrates (and creates action and characters) your idea or subject.  
Resources & Examples
First Animations:

Pixar Examples

Mr. Scribner's Examples

Tomorrow you will be using your scene to create a 75-slide (minimum) animated scene. Eventually you will EXPORT your slides as Images (JPEG) and using MS Movie Maker to create a Digital Animation with Music, Titles, and Credits.

Digital Animation Using Google Slides / MS Powerpoint & OpenShot Video Editor

When you make animation you have to create each picture on the film.
There are normally 25-40 pictures per second. When animating we recreate the laws of nature as we are able to relate to the action. However, with animation we can do a lot more than just follow the laws of nature. We can do anything, we can tell the story just as it is in our dreams.

Animation is a tool of communication.
When we animate we must not forget to put idea and intention in the movements. A movement without idea and intention is boring. Another great communication tool is the contrast; fast/slow, backwards/forwards and so on. If we remember this it makes us animate better. So if you want to animate something going up, you think go down first. If you you want to stretch your character, you squash him first. The best thing is to do the movement yourself or make a friend do it so you can study the movement. This also helps you plan your animation. The better you know what to do, the better you can animate it.

See The Animation Section of ANIMWORK (Click Here) for more information about this project.

I Can't Wait, I Want To Make Something Right Now!  Try the ZIMMERTWINS website for a longer animations made easy. You could have them talk to each other, about different things, or create news-style reporting cartoons.

Learn More About It: How do I learn animation? For those with a school nearby and some time on their hands, it’s no problem. But for those with limited options, here are some resources to help teach yourself animation. And a step-by-step guide:

You Could Also Check Out: A European partnership created this guide to help teachers learn more about using animation to teach. With some basics in place such as how to create a good story and what tools to use, ANIMWORK puts everything into perspective for any teacher who wants to create his or her own animation.


IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT: CREATE A ZimmerTwins Cartoon and send it to Mr. Scribner (!

Step 1: Log into Google or Open Microsoft PowerPoint on your Computer
Step 2: Create NEW Slides Presentation or NEW Presentation in PowerPoint
Step 3: Use the Drawing Tools to make a stick figure scene. Make sure to place specific layers in order and use a variety of colors and styles to make it vibrant.
Step 4: Export you Presentation/Slide as an Image and Upload to Google Drive
Step 5: SHARE your Image with Mr. S ( for credit.


  • Your project must include at least 200 slides (Minimum).
  • It must have at least 3 layers of depth: Foreground, Middle Ground, Background.
  • It must have at least 3 things moving during the course of the animation. 
  • Your motion must incorporate LAYERS of movement where items move in-front or behind each other.
  • You must Upload and SHARE your project with instructor using Google Drive for credit.
Step 1. Open your project in Google Slides/MS Powerpoint. (If you created it in Google Slides you must Download it in MS Powerpoint to Export the slides together.

Step 2. EXPORT your slides as JPEG Image Files to the Desktop.

Step 3. IMPORT your JPEG Image Files into MS MOVIE MAKER.

Step 4. Using OpenShot Video Editor, you must create a Digital Animation "Short-Film" by making each image "flash" for around 1/2-second each. This will give the impression that the images are animated. You should add Titles, Credits, and a short burst of music to finish the film.

YOU MUST IMPORT AT LEAST ONE (1) SOUND EFFECT/MUSIC AND ADD IT TO THE ANIMATION PRIOR TO SAVING IT!  (You can use and audacity to record sound effects or music for use in this project.)

Step 5. SAVE MOVIE as an MP4 file, Upload it to Google Drive, and SHARE it with Mr. S for credit.

Have Fun with this project. If you would like to know more, here is the original link to 50 more digital animation websites at TEACHTHOUGHT.COM (Click Here)! Good Luck!

How To Remove The Background Of A Photo Using PowerPoint 2016:

The Remove Background feature in PowerPoint 2016 helps you eliminate distracting backgrounds so the important parts of your image are front-and-center. In a few simple steps, you can create praiseworthy presentations and nobody will ever know you did all that fancy image-editing right within PowerPoint.
To remove the background from a picture in PowerPoint:
  1. Click on the image that has background you want to remove.
  2. On the Format tab, click Remove Background.
  3. PowerPoint will automatically select the part of the image to be kept.
  4. Adjust the selection to cover the area of the image that you want to keep.
  5. On the Background Removal Tool tab, click Mark Areas to Remove and select any other area that you want to remove.
  6. When you’re finished, click Keep Changes.


Item / Points15105
Animation and Rendering 
20 %
Animation and rendering is done well, works properly and is saved in an appropriate file format. All files are properly named as required
Animation and rendering is average, works properly for the most part. Few files are properly named as required
Animation and rendering does not work properly or is not saved/rendered properly.Files are not properly named as required
Model Complexity 
20 %
Model is mostly complex and/or detailed but lacks some evidence of sub-object modeling to define/refine modeled details
Model is mostly simplistic and/or lacks evidence of sub-object modeling to define/refine modeled details
Model design is inappropriate or overly simplistic.
30 %
Objects, Materials and Textures are mostly named
Few Objects, Materials and Textures are named
None of Objects, Materials and Textures are named
10 %
Model is placed in an appropriate or interesting environment (either modeled or background imaged)
Model is not placed in an appropriate or interesting environment (either modeled or background imaged)
There is no environment used whatsoever
Graphic Design & Visual Appearance 
10 %
Model shows good design qualities and is aesthetically pleasing
Model shows basic design qualities and is aesthetically acceptable
Model shows poor design qualities and is not aesthetically acceptable
Skill Level 
5 %
Very good skill level is evident
Basic skill level is evident
Poor skill level is evident
Project Guidelines Compliance 
5 %
Project guidelines are mostly complete and all required elements are present.
There is a missing important project requirement, or a guideline not followed
There are missing 2 or more important project requirements, or project guidelines not followed

Scholars will learn the basics of Digital Animation. Scholars will be able to create "mini" animations using an online application. Scholars will also start creating the basic drawing that will be used for a future "line-art" digital animation project. Scholars will be able to complete a Constructed Response about the "History of Animation" and discuss what they like, or do not like about the project.


Scholars will sign into Google Drive as they enter the class. Scholars will read all directions on this post thoroughly.  Scholars will review the examples linked above to determine the type of movie they are interested in making.  They will need to create a short (3-9 second) video clip, with at least one sound effect, for credit.  When complete, they will UPLOAD both the RAW Project, and their FINAL Project to Google Drive and SHARE it with Mr. S for review.   The basis for their projects will be created using a single slide in Google Slides that they should create first.


Standards Covered In This Class 
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2011

Monday, October 21, 2019

History of Digital Animation - 19-20 S1

Later in the course, you will start creating your first (maybe) digital animation project! For more information, and in depth learning, please review the "Pixar In A Box" Digital Animation Course on Khan Academy (Click Here)

Today you will learn about the History of Digital Animation. Please enter class and sign into your Google Accounts (If you are in the Technology Lab). Begin the class by viewing the following website about PIXAR ANIMATION (Click Here). Please watch the video on the bottom of the main page ("25 Years of Pixar Animation"). If you do not have access to technology, you may sit quietly and review the following video: Make sure you take some notes while you watch.

When you are done viewing the video you will discuss, as a class, some of the videos and movies you are familiar with, and how they were made. Please be specific about the techniques and animation used in the video you just watched. How has animation changed over the course of history, and where could it be going? What are some of the technologies used that are new, and how are we using these technologies in class to create our own video clips. Please review the PIXAR DIGITAL ANIMATION PRESENTATION here. Show the following PIXAR Animation SHORT FIlm: "That Was So Cute Bird" (Click Here)

When you have completed the discussion, you should open the following Google Document "History of Digital Animation Worksheet" Make sure you click FILE and MAKE A COPY to put one in your Google Drive. Make sure you SHARE your COPY with me as soon as you create it, to turn it in. Then you may follow the directions and complete the research portion of the project. If you do not have access to a computer or Ipad, please complete the printed copy on your own for homework. You may turn it in tomorrow.

Finally, Please spend some time working on your Digital Animation Project. Make sure you re-read ALL DIRECTIONS, and make sure you are completing the project correctly. SHARE the project you have created in your Google Drive for credit.

Animation A filmmaking technique where the illusion of motion is created frame-by-frame. The word comes from the Latin word, "anima," meaning "life" or "soul".

Animator The person who draws the moving character in an animated film.

Background A flat piece of artwork that is the setting for a moving character in an animated film. A background could be a picture of a forest, a sky, a room, or a castle.

Cell A clear piece of plastic on which the animator's finished drawings are painted. The cel is clear so that when placed over the background, the animated characters appear to be in a setting.

Frame An individual still picture on a strip of film. 24 frames equal one second of a motion picture.

Frame-by-Frame The filmmaking technique in animation where each frame is exposed one at a time and the object being photographed is slightly altered for each picture.

Ink and Paint The step in cel animation where the animator's drawings are placed on cels to be photographed. A drawing is outlined on the front of the cel with black ink, while the back of the cel is painted.

Kinestasis (Kin-e-sta'-sis) An animation technique using a series of still photographs or artwork to create the illusion of motion.

Model Sheet A reference sheet for animators that shows a number of different poses of an animated character. The model sheet also shows how characters relate in size to other characters.

Pixilation (Pik si la' shun) A stop-motion technique in which life-size props or live actors are photographed frame-by-frame. When viewed, they appear to be moving at a fast speed.

Script The written story of a film that supplies dialogue, camera moves, background, staging and action.

Squash and Stretch A drawing technique used by animators and originally developed at the Disney Studio to show exaggerated movements in characters. For example, if you wanted a character to jump, you would draw him close to the ground as if 'squashed' and then you would 'stretch' him out as he went into the air.

Storyboard A "storyboard" is a visual representation of a story. Pictures can be sketched on pieces of paper and pinned to a large board, or they can be drawn on a large piece of paper, comic-book style, to represent scenes in a film. A story sketch should show character, attitude, feelings, entertainment, expressions, type of action, as well as telling the story of what's happening. When you look at a board, it should reflect the feeling of the sequence so the viewer starts to pick up some excitement and stimulation. A story sketch artist at an animation studio us usually an artist who has special interest in illustration, design, appearance, and character.

Zoetrope (zo'-e-trop) An early animation device that spins drawings in a revolving drum to create the illusion of motion. Inbetweens Drawings that are in between the drawings that are at the beginning and end poses.

Extremes Drawings that are at the beginning and end of a particular pose.

History of Digital Animation (TX - TEKS) Lesson Plan
History of Animation Worksheet (Google Doc)

Scholars Students will learn about the History of Digital Animation through online research and classroom discussion. Scholars will be able to create "mini" animations using an online application.  Scholars will also continue creating the basic drawing that will be used for a future "line-art" digital animation project.  Scholars will send and email to Mr. S ( about the "History of Animation" and discuss what they like, or do not like about the project.  You must write at least 4-5 sentences in paragraph form.  State your position about the project, and provide facts and opinions to defend your position. RESTATE the Question, ANSWER the Question, CITE your Evidence, EXAMPLES of your Evidence in your conclusion.  Make sure you wrap up your thoughts with a SUMMARY sentence.


Scholars will sign into Google Drive as they enter the class.  Scholars will read all directions on this post thoroughly and review the YouTube video about the "History of Digital Animation".  Students will discuss various animation techniques presented in the video.  Students will then complete a History of Digital Animation Worksheet using online resources.  Students may use the balance of time left to work on their own digital animation projects that are previously listed on the Class Assignment Site.


Standards Covered In This Class 
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2011

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Career Explorer 19-20 S1

When you have completed your video, and you are sure you are caught up on any other assignments, please go to

Create an account using your email address and take the Career Assessment (approximately 30 minutes).  When you are finished, please open a Gmail to write a paragraph about your experience with the assessment, and whether you think it helped you, or not.  Make sure to refer back to this assessment at different times in your education to see changes or similarities.  Good Luck!

Mr. S



Subject:  Career Explorer Reflection

Body of Email:  Please write 3-4 sentences (paragraph format) about what you thought about the Career Explorer and your results.  Use the R.A.C.E.S method to write the paragraph.

R.A.C.E.S.: Repeat the Question,  Answer the Question, Cite Evidence, Examples, and Summarize

Example Paragraph:  
(R)  Career Explorer by Sokanu allowed me to honestly respond to questions about career choices, and different duties required by various jobs.  (A) I completed the survey and it determined that education would be a good fit for me.  I like to (C) speak publicly and help others learn new things.  (E) My time in sales and marketing help me to work with many types of personalities and allows me to think quickly on my feet.  (S)  I believe the results were accurate, and that a career in education is the best choice for me.

From the website description:

CareerExplorer has developed the most comprehensive career test ever built.

The CareerExplorer career test is a comprehensive interest, personality, and preference assessment that measures you against over 140 traits and uses that data to accurately find your top matches with our 800+ career encyclopedia.
Other career finder quiz sites ask you obvious questions to match you against generic careers like teacher, nurse, and fireman. Our career test actually builds a psychometric model of who you are and matches you against career data we collect from multiple sources.

UN Global Sustainability Goals Project Map

Word Counter For Text

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Integrity (13 Characteristics)

13 Characteristics of People Who Have Integrity

1. They Value Other People's Time: They value their own time so they also value the time of other people. They know you have plenty of other places you need to be and won’t hold you up. If you spend time with them, it is likely they will thank you for that as well.

2. They Give Credit Where It Is Due: They do not take credit for things they did not do. They will always credit those who deserve it. If you help this person with a project he or she will likely mention your name so you can take credit for your work.

3. They Are Authentic: They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie or being fake.

4. They Are Always Honest: They are honest people that feel no need to lie as it is important for them to get to where they need to get in life honestly.

5. They Never Take Advantage Of Others: They are not the kind of people who will take advantage of someone else. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. The Do Not Argue Over Disagreements: They will talk through things in a civil manner or not talk at all. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing over something completely ridiculous. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. They Give Most People The Benefit Of The Doubt: They try to see the good in everyone. I think this is because they feel like maybe there are more people in this world that also have integrity. That being said, if you take advantage of them too much they will get rid of you.

8. They Know When Something Is Bothering Someone: They have a great intuition that lets them know when something is going on. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice. Chances are they will actually do what they can to cheer you up.

9. They Believe In Others: They accept your word as truth until it is dis-proven. That being said, they do not take lying well. And once you lie to them, it is unlikely that they will ever take your word again.

10. They Apologize First: If they have done something wrong they will come to you and apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and try to make things right.

11. They Are Humble: They do not quite know their own worth. While they are very important and do so much good they don’t quite see it. You should remind them of it.

12. They Do Good When They Can: They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. They Are Always Kind To Those Who Need It: Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They can brighten up almost anyone’s day.

If you are someone who has true integrity, thank you for being who you are and thank you for all that you do. You really do actually make a difference in society, please keep up the good work. If you feel no one else is proud of you, know that I am.

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