Today you will be working on completing your Resume and Cover Letter. Please follow the instructions listed on the original post for this project
(CLICK HERE) . Below are some additional resources and examples to help you:
Resume Planning Worksheet - This is the worksheet I am passing out in class to help you organize your thoughts before you start writing.
There are samples of what you should be creating below. Please keep in mind the importance of using ACTION WORDS in your statements on your resume.
1. What is a resume?
2. Why do you need one?
3. List at least three (3) parts of a resume:
4. How would you customize/tailor a cover letter?
5. Explain what you learned during this lesson (2-3 Sentences):
6. What is your dream job? What experience and education will you need to get that job?
Resume Action Words
This is a beginning list of action words often used in resumes to provide potential employers with a clear and specific impression of what resume writers have done and what they can do. As you continue your research on what makes a professional resume, add your own additional action words that you find to the section below. You will use these when drafting your own resume:
Adapted, Advanced, Advised, Assisted, Built, Chaired, Coached, Collected, Communicated, Coordinated, Conducted, Constructed, Created, Delivered, Designed, Displayed, Drafted, Encouraged, Established, Explained, Facilitated, Fashioned, Generated, Identified, Informed, Inspected, Installed, Instructed, Interpreted, Located, Made, Maintained, Monitored, Organized, Oversaw, Participated, Planned, Presented, Programmed, Promoted, Provided, Raised, Recorded, Researched, Reviewed, Revised, Selected, Shaped, Supervised, Taught, Tested, Tracked, Trained, Updated, Worked, Wrote
You may use any MS WORD Template you wish as a start. Here is the link to the help wanted advertisement used in the example for Joe Smith (Crossroads Student):
HELP WANTED AD LINK You may even create a simple resume like the one below:
Once you have created your Resume and Cover Letter, please email me the PDF files for credit. Thanks!
- Mr. S