You must now pick a college of your choice to research. You will submit a 1-2 page summary of the college (Not Cut & Paste From A Website). You must include at least 2 paragraphs with an overall introduction to the college or university. You may Cut & Paste that from the main website. See the example in the next post online. Here is the other criteria you need to include:
College Name
College Address
Major Area of Study you would be interested in.
Sport you are interested in participating in.
Fraternity/Sorority you might belong too.
Extra-curricular activity you might be in.
What dorm you would be in during your freshman year.
How much the school costs (Credit Hour/$)
The name of the Sports Mascot
Name 2 places to eat.
Name 3 things to do around campus
Name 3 things to do off-campus
List the phone number for the following people:
- Dean of Students
- School Police
- Dining Facility
- Sports Complex
- Main Campus Phone Number
-Mr. S