Today students will be creating a Personal Timeline and Family Tree with Inspiration 8/9. Students will outline major events in their lives and a complete list of family members. They will organize their items in chronological order, create hand-drawn organizers, create digital versions of their work, and upload the final creations to their Google Drive and SHARE them with Mr. Scribner for credit!
Students will work individually on the assigned projects. Students must complete a hand-drawn version of the project prior to opening a laptop.
Today we will begin the Graphic Organizer Timeline and Family Tree Project!
Standards Covered In This Class
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2014
Today you will design graphic organizers on Inspiration8/9. Please create a
Personal Timeline and Family Tree in a digital format. You must create
these from scratch using Inspiration 8/9.To start, use a blank piece of paper to list your birthday, list all the schools you have attended, list any significant events in your life (birthdays, deaths, weddings, graduations, holidays, family trips, honors, awards, or any other events you can remember) and the dates they happened. Open Inspiration 8/9 and open a New Blank Document. Begin to drag boxes into the timeline and label them in order. Once you have created your first box with a date underneath, you can now select the box, copy and paste a new one next to it, and link them with an arrow. Continue until you have listed all the events up to today's date. You need to list 10-15 events to complete the project.
For the Family Tree, make a complete list of all of your parents, step-parents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and any other family members you can think of. Now begin dragging in boxes and labeling them with each person's name and date of birth (if you know it). Now list weddings in text between married couples. Make sure to line up each placemarker with others in the same generation. Make sure you include extended family (Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters, Etc.) I would like you to do your best to include at least 3 levels of your family tree. These should include siblings, parents, aunts & uncles, grandparents, and anyone else you might know. Once you have your Timeline and Family Tree on one document, Go To FILE and EXPORT and save it to the desktop as an IMAGE (JPEG) File. Upload the JPEG File to your Google DRIVE and SHARE the picture with me for credit.
See the sample below for some more clarity. Good Luck!
- Mr. S
Steps to complete Timeline/Family Tree Project:
1. Open Inspiration 8 / 9 on your Mac
2. Click DIAGRAM Button to create a blank Diagram
3. Drag enough blocks into the workspace to allow for one block for each person in your IMMEDIATE Family.
4: Label Each Block with Person's Title (Dad, Mom, etc.) and First Name
5. Connect each block with who is related to who.
6. For the Timeline, you must drag in at least 15 blocks.
7. Label each block with event from your life.
8. Make a connection, in the order that the events occurred in your life, from one event to the next.
9. If you have not completed your work before class ends, SAVE your Inspiration File to Desktop and Upload it to Google Drive so no one can delete it.
10. Once complete, EXPORT your file as a Graphic Image and Upload the Picture to your Google Drive.
11. SHARE the Graphic Image (Picture) with Mr. S for Credit. DO NOT SHARE THE INSPIRATION FILE! You will only get credit if you SHARE the appropriate file on time.