Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sesame Street Payroll 2016-2017

Yesterday you created TIMECARDS.  Today you will we will walk through POSTING IT to PAYROLL SHEETS on GOOGLE DRIVE.  You will be required to follow along in class.  At the appropriate time you will complete the work on your own. For credit you must SHARE your PAYROLL SHEET with Mr. S ( When complete, you should know how to enter data on a form, manipulate the form to complete basic functions.  You will also know how to automate the form by copying functions and formulas to additional cells.

Start by reviewing the following sheet of instructions either online or use the copy at your desk:

Payroll Project WORD Worksheet (Click Link Below):

Use the form below (Make a Copy to add it to your Google Drive) to create a PAYROLL SHEET for the whole company of characters.  We will work on this in class.  Pay attention and follow along and you will be able to complete the work with little effort.  When complete, simply share your work with Mr. S for comments/grading.

Payroll Project Google Spreadsheet (Click Link Below for BLANK COPY):
(Do Not Forget To "Make A Copy" To Add To Your Google Drive BEFORE CHANGING!)

See examples of blank and finished payroll sheets below.  Numbers in the active worksheet must be formulas, not just numbers entered alone.  The worksheet must be "automated" for credit. 


1:  Sign into your CCS.US Google Account.  Click the link above to OPEN the "Payroll Project Google Spreadsheet"(PPGS), click FILE and MAKE A COPY and Rename it "Sesame Street Payroll (Your Last Name) P(period you attend my class 1-4) 

RENAME EXAMPLE:  Sesame Street Payroll Scribner P1

2.  Using the information on the "Payroll Project Word Worksheet" - Enter the header information correctly on the PPGS.  Make sure to enter the Company Name, Company Address, Phone / Fax, and Dates Covered.

3.  Enter all of the individual information for each Employee.  This includes entering the Employee Name, ID#, Hourly Rate, Hours Worked, and Overtime Hours.

4.  Using the formulas located ON THE SPREADSHEET, create formulas in each box to calculate the GROSS PAY.  Create formulas to calculate the amount of FICA, Fed. Tax, and State Tax.  Finally, create a formula to calculate each employee's NET PAY. 

Note:  you must change the percentages to decimals and type them directly into each formula, or reference them in each formula.  We have not discussed CONSTANT REFERENCES yet, so be careful the formulas do not change if you reference your cells incorrectly.

5.  Repeat STEP 4 for each employee.  Check your work against the examples below.  Other than the DATES COVERED, the totals should be the same.  DO NOT JUST HAND TYPE THE FIGURES BELOW.  YOU MUST USE FORMULAS IN EACH CELL TO ACHIEVE THE CORRECT FIGURES AND TOTALS.  When you have finished the worksheet should now be "automated", and you can SHARE it with me for credit at

Thank you for your perseverance and good attitudes!

- Mr. S

Students will learn to use electronic spreadsheets for basic calculations, data storage and evaluation, and other tasks.  Students will complete basic spreadsheet tasks, simple functions, and basic formatting.  Students will be able to create, work with, collaborate on and share spreadsheets for classwork and basic applications

Students will view instructional videos in class, followed by practical lessons.  Students will create, work with, store, and collaborate on basic spreadsheets using Google Sheets.  Students will be introduced to basic math, functions, formatting and organizational features of the spreadsheets.  Students will prepare to complete a basic QUIZ at the end of the lesson next week!

Standards Covered In This Class  
PA 3.7.7 & 11 Section C / ISTE 2011
CSTA Tied With Common Core ELA/Math rev. 2011

UN Global Sustainability Goals Project Map

Word Counter For Text

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Integrity (13 Characteristics)

13 Characteristics of People Who Have Integrity

1. They Value Other People's Time: They value their own time so they also value the time of other people. They know you have plenty of other places you need to be and won’t hold you up. If you spend time with them, it is likely they will thank you for that as well.

2. They Give Credit Where It Is Due: They do not take credit for things they did not do. They will always credit those who deserve it. If you help this person with a project he or she will likely mention your name so you can take credit for your work.

3. They Are Authentic: They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie or being fake.

4. They Are Always Honest: They are honest people that feel no need to lie as it is important for them to get to where they need to get in life honestly.

5. They Never Take Advantage Of Others: They are not the kind of people who will take advantage of someone else. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. The Do Not Argue Over Disagreements: They will talk through things in a civil manner or not talk at all. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing over something completely ridiculous. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. They Give Most People The Benefit Of The Doubt: They try to see the good in everyone. I think this is because they feel like maybe there are more people in this world that also have integrity. That being said, if you take advantage of them too much they will get rid of you.

8. They Know When Something Is Bothering Someone: They have a great intuition that lets them know when something is going on. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice. Chances are they will actually do what they can to cheer you up.

9. They Believe In Others: They accept your word as truth until it is dis-proven. That being said, they do not take lying well. And once you lie to them, it is unlikely that they will ever take your word again.

10. They Apologize First: If they have done something wrong they will come to you and apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and try to make things right.

11. They Are Humble: They do not quite know their own worth. While they are very important and do so much good they don’t quite see it. You should remind them of it.

12. They Do Good When They Can: They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. They Are Always Kind To Those Who Need It: Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They can brighten up almost anyone’s day.

If you are someone who has true integrity, thank you for being who you are and thank you for all that you do. You really do actually make a difference in society, please keep up the good work. If you feel no one else is proud of you, know that I am.

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