Thursday, September 13, 2018

Schoology Accounts / Heritage Email Response

Thank You for being mature, young-adults while I am away from class.   Please enter the room quietly, and read ALL THE DIRECTIONS listed below.  Get right to work, and follow all the rules, as outlined in the syllabus.  I truly appreciate that I can be out of town (family wedding), and know that you are all doing the right thing, acting with PRIDE, and being respectful of my room, and the people around you!


Mr. S


EVERYONE MUST JOIN SCHOOLOGY, and add Mr. Scribner's Computer Skills & Applications Course.  We will use this to have online commenting/conversations about different topics!  Please feel free to suggest a topic that has some impact on the material we are working on, or something you think would be helpful for everyone to see/read and discuss!


Step 1:  Go to

Step 2:  Click on "Sign Up"

Step 3:  Click on "Student" from the drop-down list.

Step 4:  Enter the following Course Code:  HX95R-7NDRZ

Step 5:  Enter First Name, Last Name, CCS Email Address, a PASSWORD you can remember, and enter the PASSWORD again in the Confirm Password Box, your Birthday, and click the BOX to agree with Terms and Policies.

Step 6:  Review the Course Updates so far, and comment on the ones that have questions.  Make sure you remember you passwords.  We will be using this as a way to discuss issues, articles, and videos online, and sharing responses.  You can also send email responses if you do not want to share them publicly.

All students will complete an GMail to Mr. Scribner ( about "Heritage" (See Below).  You may also use SCHOOLOGY to complete the project.

Once complete, you can use your class time to complete the FAMILY TREE & PERSONAL TIMELINE Project on DRAW.IO. If you complete that, show your completed project online and your hand drawn version to the teacher covering the class. If they agree it is complete, you may then work on CODE.Org, (Tutorial Only), or something for another class / homework! You may quietly listen to music while you work, but you must not listen to anything inappropriate, or sit and watch videos / play games.


Please read the following article "What Is Heritage" below and write a Constructed Response GMail (4-5 Sentences) about why learning about your own family heritage should be important to you. Please include a brief description of where your family is from, and how you could spend time in search of your ancestors (What sources could you use to help find out about your Heritage?)

Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Most important, it is the range of contemporary activities, meanings, and behaviors that we draw from them. Heritage includes, but is much more than preserving, excavating, displaying, or restoring a collection of old things. It is both tangible and intangible, in the sense that ideas and memories--of songs, recipes, language, dances, and many other elements of who we are and how we identify ourselves--are as important as historical buildings and archaeological sites.

Heritage is, or should be, the subject of active public reflection, debate, and discussion. What is worth saving? What can we, or should we, forget? What memories can we enjoy, regret, or learn from? Who owns "The Past" and who is entitled to speak for past generations? Active public discussion about material and intangible heritage--of individuals, groups, communities, and nations--is a valuable facet of public life in our multicultural world.

Heritage is a contemporary activity with far-reaching effects. It can be an element of far-sighted urban and regional planning. It can be the platform for political recognition, a medium for intercultural dialogue, a means of ethical reflection, and the potential basis for local economic development. It is simultaneously local and particular, global and shared.

Heritage is an essential part of the present we live in--and of the future we will build.

Article taken from the following website: WHAT IS HERITAGE ARTICLE (CLICK HERE)

Please open your GMail Account.  Click "COMPOSE".  Enter Mr. Scribner's Email in the "To:" space.  Write "Heritage" in the Subject Line.  In the BODY of the Email please write at least 3 sentences about what the term "Heritage" means to you.  Reflect on the information in the article above, and reference the article at least once in your Email.  When you have completed the Email, click SEND for credit.

UN Global Sustainability Goals Project Map

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Integrity (13 Characteristics)

13 Characteristics of People Who Have Integrity

1. They Value Other People's Time: They value their own time so they also value the time of other people. They know you have plenty of other places you need to be and won’t hold you up. If you spend time with them, it is likely they will thank you for that as well.

2. They Give Credit Where It Is Due: They do not take credit for things they did not do. They will always credit those who deserve it. If you help this person with a project he or she will likely mention your name so you can take credit for your work.

3. They Are Authentic: They are their truest forms. You won’t catch them in a lie or being fake.

4. They Are Always Honest: They are honest people that feel no need to lie as it is important for them to get to where they need to get in life honestly.

5. They Never Take Advantage Of Others: They are not the kind of people who will take advantage of someone else. They love to build people up and help them get where they need to be. Taking too much from someone else will never be an issue with someone who has a lot of integrity.

6. The Do Not Argue Over Disagreements: They will talk through things in a civil manner or not talk at all. You cannot and will not force this person into arguing over something completely ridiculous. I find this to be a very respectable trait.

7. They Give Most People The Benefit Of The Doubt: They try to see the good in everyone. I think this is because they feel like maybe there are more people in this world that also have integrity. That being said, if you take advantage of them too much they will get rid of you.

8. They Know When Something Is Bothering Someone: They have a great intuition that lets them know when something is going on. If someone is down in the dumps they will notice. Chances are they will actually do what they can to cheer you up.

9. They Believe In Others: They accept your word as truth until it is dis-proven. That being said, they do not take lying well. And once you lie to them, it is unlikely that they will ever take your word again.

10. They Apologize First: If they have done something wrong they will come to you and apologize. This is just how they are. They own up to their mistake and try to make things right.

11. They Are Humble: They do not quite know their own worth. While they are very important and do so much good they don’t quite see it. You should remind them of it.

12. They Do Good When They Can: They are always helping other people. They love to know that they have improved someone’s life. It gives their lives meaning.

13. They Are Always Kind To Those Who Need It: Giving kindness can go a long way. When someone looks like they need a little pick me up these people deliver. They can brighten up almost anyone’s day.

If you are someone who has true integrity, thank you for being who you are and thank you for all that you do. You really do actually make a difference in society, please keep up the good work. If you feel no one else is proud of you, know that I am.

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